Tuesday, October 25, 2011

C3, C4m and CAM plants

1. C3 plants
These are plants in which CO2 comes directly from the air. In these plants, carbon fixation produces 3 carbon compounds. If it's dry there is no photosynthesis.
Examples: rice, wheat, soybeans
2. C4 plants
Carbon fixed in bundle sheath tissue surrounds the veins. These plants are fixed into four carbon compounds. They're not susceptible to O2. Even at low CO2 levels there is still such thing as fixed carbon. The 4 carbon compounds are in charge of taking CO2 into the Calvin cycle.
Examples: Corn and sugarcane
3. CAM plants
The stomata of these plants only opens at night. They fix caron into 4 carbon compounds(vacuoles) The calvin cycle in these plants happens throughout the day.
Examples: cacti, deserted adapted plants.

Monday, October 24, 2011

biochemistry wordle

Wordle: biochem
I sorted out my wordle by chapters, they're main ideas, and they're main key words. For the first chapter I chose words mainly dealing with chemistry and the role in life. Atoms, matter, bonds and their properties they all were related therefor i included them. The next chapter I did the properties of water: adhesion,cohesion,hydrophilic, hydrophobic, etc. I chose those because they all had to do with water and all were some sort of property in water. Then I did organic chemistry which deals with carbon and the different molecules in life. Isomers were a big topic in this chapter therefor I chose all it's different properties. Last but not least I chose words dealing with macromolecules: carbohydrates, lipids, vitamins, proteins, and nucleic acids. The words I chose all took different roles in the different macromolecules.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Blog 4: Macromolecules

5 things I learned about macromolecules are:
-There is 5; Carbohydrates, lipids, vitamins, proteins, and nucleic acids.
-Carbohydrates contain monosaccharides(glucose & fructose), disaccharides(sucrose), and polysaccharides(cellulose,starch,glycogen,keratan sulphate,and agarose).
-Lipids include: Fatty acids(saturated/unsaturated), triacylglycerols(result from glycerol molecule), phospholipids(2 fatty acids and 1 phosphate), steroids, and a lipid bilayer.
-Vitamins: example, vitamin A is a lipid, a terpene.
-Proteins include: Primary structure(amino acids and peptides), secondary structure(alpha helix and beta strand),tertiary structure(lysozyme), and quaternary structure(hemoglobin)
-Nucleic acids consist of:
Nitrogenous bases(ex: adenine)
Nucleosides(ex: adenine forms witg ribose the nucleoside adenosine)
DNA(forms double helix from two strands of hydrogen bonds between nitrogenous bases)