Friday, January 20, 2012

microbal zoo

What is a microbe?
A microbe is any living organism that spends itslife at a size too tiny to be seen with the naked eye.
List the FOUR MAJOR groups of microbes.
Prokaryotes, Eukaryotes, Viruses, and Prions.
What is microbial ecology?
Microbial ecology is the study of microbes in theenvironment and the role of microbes. It’s also the study of microbialinteractions with plants and animals.
1. Dirtland:
Ag Acres
Agrobacterium tumefaciens: This bacterium produces tumors called galls (growths) on the stems ofplants.
Burkholderia cepacia
: This bacterium rots onion roots.
2. Ponds
Rhodospirillum rubrum:This purple bacterium contains chlorophyll a or b and requires simpleorganic compounds for carbon
: This purple sulfur bacterium require hydrogen sulfide as an electron andhydrogen donor to make food in the way plants require water as an electron andhydrogen donor.
Chlorobium: This green sulfur bacteria requires sulfur to live.

2.Animal Pavilion
Habitat on Humanity
Helicobacter Pylori: Lives in stomach a part called antrum
E. Coli: provides vitamin K and some vitamin B
Bifidobacterium : Lives in intestines of newborn.
Cow Rumen
Entodinium Dividing: Protists thrive inside the rumen
Pilobolus: Grows on dung
Vibrio Cholera: Cause of cholera
Snack Bar
Yeast - Produces alcohol
Lactobacillus : Produce acid that helps get rid of the seed pod of chocolate beans
Bacillus Spore: Resting stage of bacterium like that used to make Natto
Lactobacillus: Bacterium can digest lactose; produce yogurt
Space Adventure
Frequent Flyers
Bacillus Megaterium: Produce single spore
Spores and Threads : Springy fibers act as microscopic slingshots to hurl these slime mold spores aloft
Pilobolus: Launches spores to sun
Microbes of waste water Biosphere II
Soil contains billions of microbes
Water World
Algae - Microscopic or macroscopic, known as kelp
-Members of Kingdom Protista
-Fix own carbon and nitrogen in atmosphere
Gleocapsa: Spherical shaped green bacteria in ponds
Chlorobium: Green sulfur bacteria nreds sulfur to live
Amoeba: Surrounds food with body to eat
Rotifer - Small protists as complex as larger animals
Deep Sea Thermal Vents
Pipe Slimers - Stuff on shower curtain
Salty Sea( Halophiles)- Live in high concentration of salt
Sediment: Microbes live in bottom of lakes and rivers in sediments
Luminescent Bacteria: have lights that allow them to swim in dark
Ocean – anaerobic bacteria

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