Chromosome 4 FATE
In this part of Genome we are introduced to Huntington's disease and the motivation Nancy Wexler had. She was willing to find the root of this disease to dig deeper and to find a cure. By reading this chapter you learn that the repetition of CAG is something you might not like since it is the primary cause or symptom of Huntington's Disease. A repetitiong of about 35 times is normal anything above that is abnormal. With this disease you are incapable of your own life, your mind begins to deteriorate. It takes as long as fifteen to twenty five years for this to take place, depending on the amount of repetition. It doesn't matter how much you take care of yourself or how much you do not take care of yourself, you either have it or don't. Nancy had a half and half chance of having this gene herself which was probably the primary cause of her endeavor to finding the gene of this disease. It wa sproven that "more than a dozen human diseases are caused by expanded three-letter wor repeats- so-called polygltamine disease. It accumulates in chunks which eventually kill cells. Nancy was close to the gene, she never was tested or diagnosed, she called it "Mapping Fate" the fate of having a disease either through hereditary or through just simple fate.
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