Thursday, March 1, 2012

3rd Genome Entry

Chromosome 6 intelligence
I found this to be very interesting. Ridley is in search of a specific intelligence gene. The true debate though, is whether intelligence comes naturally or does it gradually grow? The search began with IQ testing and determining who were smart or geniuses but this made me realize the unfairness of this IQ test. This IQ test only enabled scientist to find the difference in the IGF2R gene. After testing children with IQ test scientist based themselves off of 2 basic ideas, is intelligence hereditable or do you gradually become intelligence? It was proven that intelligence is demonstrated depending upon the individual and their genes.People tend to express their intelligence as they grow older. I strongly believe that intellgience is not a natural thing. I believe it is something that is strongly dependant of your work ethic and how much your willing to work to be smart. Now if intelligence were something you were born with don't you think you wouldn't have to learn anything as a baby? Or school wouldn't be necessary because you learn things naturally. Intelligence is like a flower, it needs water and sunlight to grow in this case you need to be educated for your intelligence to grow.

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