Thursday, March 1, 2012

BOW Importance of Intelligence

Why is it important to define and debate our understanding of intelligence and its origins? How does this relate to you?

Defining and debating our understanding of intelligence is a great way to help ourselves. By understanding it's origins we are more able to improve our working techniques in order to better our knowledge through scientific foundations of intelligence. This relates to not only me but to all of the AP bio class. Ms. Malonek had this discussion with us so we can realize what exactly is ahead of us. It is important to know that everyone as an individual has it's unique strategy that makes them intelligent in their own way. With this I not only have realized how much I may have to cram for this AP test but also how much I need to learn from my mistakes and how much I need to work on my weaknesses. I may be a visual, musical, intellectual, or any type of learner and it is important to know what your learning style is so you are more able to learn the right way, MY WAY.

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