Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Blog One: Summary Introduction Genome

In the introduction of Genome you are introduced do the variety of chromosomes the amount which is reduced to two pairs of 23 chromosomes each. The book reveals there are about 30,000-80,000 genes in the human genome. The true of this book though is not to speak of a project but it is "... a book about what the project has found"(6). That is the Human Genome Project. It narrows the basic idea of the book by comparing the ideas to a book. Example:
"There are twenty-three chapters, called CHROMOSOMES.
Each chapter contains several thousand stories, called GENES.
Each story is made up if paragraphs, called EXONS, which are interrupted by advertisements called INTRONS.
Each paragraph is made up of words, called CODONS.
Each word is written in letters called BASES."(7)
That is it thats the break down of the genome book. It also gives the break down of DNA and RNA and patterns in which they use ACGT which becomes TGCA which is the same thing written backwards. Then it talks about the purpose of enzymes and the proteins. Lastly it informs us that all rules have exceptions and we must keep it in mind when reading this book.

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