Sunday, February 5, 2012

Extra Credit Blog

In your blog please give me some feedback on last semester

What topics really confused you?
The topics that really confused me would probably be the topics we went over in the beginning of the year(ecology). I guess I was rushed into the topic even though I had gone over it during the summer I was still really cofused. A couple of other topics were confusing to me too like the biochemistry. To begin with I had a horrible experience with chemistry last year and so I was just thrown overboard with biochem. I felt we were all over the place. At one point I had no clue what we were doing.

What topics do you feel very clear on?
Compared to other chapters plants have proven to be a lot easier i guess because we have gone over it thoroughly from first to second semester. Also bacteria I'm alright. Cells i'm okay.

What lab/ activity was your favorite? Why?
Favorite activity was the review game. We all worked as a team and it helpfu; and fun. Favorite lab would have been the lab my group did because I actually unserstood it and we finished it completely.

What lab/activity was your least favorite? Why?
The bacteria lab because instructions weren't so clear. Actually there were many labs that instructions were not clear at all.

If you could change something about the class to make it better, for instance the type of homework (not the amount) what would it be and why?
I would say it would be the computer work. Most of the time instead of spending time doing the actual work on the computer we're spending time figuring out how to do it. The computer is also a great way to slack off on a lot of work. (i.e simulations) Also the most important is the notebook. There have been many times where the majority of the class has no idea what has to be in it. It'd be helpful if the homework and classwork was clearer.

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