Wednesday, February 29, 2012

2nd Genome Entry

Chromosome 1 LIFE
The intro of Chromosome 1 talks about the fascination of the word LIFE and it's meaning."Life is a slippery thing to define, but it consists of two very different skills: the ability to replicate, and the ability to create order"(12). It introduces the idea of reproducing and the ability of a rabbit making a rabbit a dandelion making a dandelion. Many scientists attempted to find the origin of life but many based their ideals off of irrelevant theories and/or ideas. Life follows the idea of replication and instruction for an order. This oart of the book gives many names of scientist but Alan Turing seems to be the closest to the mystery of life. He stated that "heredity is a modifiable stored program; metabolism is universal machine"(15). He included a recipe or code is their abstract message for an immaterial form.

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