Thursday, February 23, 2012

BOW Nephron

BOW Describe how a nephron works. How is this similar to counter currents or hydrostatic skeletons?

The nephron is the basic unit of the kidney. The nephron is a long and thin tube which is closed at one end. It has two twisted regions interspaced with a long hairpin loop and ends in a long straight portion. The nephron is surrounded by capillaries. The nephron has a variety of cells that are important to the understandings of how the kidney is able to regulate the composition of blood. The nephron is responsible of filtering about 20% of the blood. The nephron filters and removes excess water, wastes, and other substances from your blood. The counter current in the kidney takes place in the loop of nele. Hydrostatic skeleton is a skeleton made up of fluids under pressure in closed compartments. The counter current helps reabsorb water lost.

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